Erin Dalton Naturopath


To Inspire and educate you on your journey to optimal health

Erin Dalton Erin Dalton

Copper Overload: Copper toxicity in ADHD and Autism, mental health and women’s health.

Copper is an essential trace mineral that plays crucial roles in various bodily functions, including neurotransmitter production, iron metabolism, immune function, bone health, energy metabolism and growth.

However, excessive copper levels in the body can lead to copper overload toxicity, a condition that can have serious health consequences. Copper in excess acts like a heavy metal and alters the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can contribute to poor mental health and traits of ADHD and Autism.

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Erin Dalton Erin Dalton

ADHD in Women: Unmasking the Challenges

ADHD in women is often underdiagnosed due to the subtle presentation of symptoms. The same ADHD subtypes of inattentive, hyperactive and combined still occur but can look different. Women with ADHD can exhibit predominantly inattentive symptoms such as difficulty focusing, organising, and following through on tasks. Alternatively, women can be hyperactive, but it is more commonly a hyperactivity of the mind, not the body. This can manifest in women who are constantly on the go and juggling many things to stay stimulated. Impulsivity may present as interrupting or saying things without thinking, seeming to have no filter at times.

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Erin Dalton Erin Dalton

Menopause and your immune system: the potential link to autoimmune disease.

Menopause is the natural transition marking the end of a woman's reproductive years, but it brings with it a cascade of hormonal changes. While hot flashes and night sweats often steal the spotlight, a lesser known but significant consequence of menopause is its impact on the immune system. As estrogen and progesterone levels drop, the body's defence system undergoes a transformation which can potentially increase the risk of developing autoimmune diseases.

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